Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Unemployed Man Turns to Unconventional Methods to Gain Employment

Jon Kolbe, a Boca Raton father of two, has been without a job for seven months. After applying for a couple hundred jobs, he found a lead from a stranger on Twitter.

The unemployed are flocking to the social networking site and using it to scour for job leads and listings. Tools like TwitterJobSearch.com have been created to help people sort through jobs in various industries.

Kolbe has taken it a step further. After he was laid off at an architecture firm, he created profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to market himself. He spent every day applying for jobs through Monster, Careerbuilder, EmployFlorida, Indeed and Simply Hired. After months went by with no luck, he built his own site, JonKolbe.com. He attaches a $2 gift card to every resume, hoping a cup of coffee will warm the hearts of recruiters.

In March, Kolbe launched the "Help Jon Kolbe Find A Job" contest. The winner gets a Flip Mino HD video camera.


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